Sunday, 11 November 2012

My reflections on the Web Skills:Week 6

Hi Courtney, Donna and my colleagues,


I am indeed very happy to reflect on the skills learnt during Week 6 of Web Skills Course.  First of all, I wish to thank Prof. Donna Shaw for being the guest moderator for this week and enlightened with her suggestions to improve the skills of teaching.

Firstly, I have been exposed to the different technology tools through our university web site's Teaching Effectiveness Programme and assisted me to look into several things.  First and foremost, it provided an opportunity for me to view the different tools to assess the performance of students from framing questions for assessment to evaluation except essay type questions through Black board as an assessment tool.  Secondly, it is eye-opener for many teaching fraternity that how technology can assist them to make their classroom effective and help to create a place for implementing interactive approaches.  Thirdly, it helps us to look into a course website (that is the blue-print) before offering any course in an academic side and the method to implement the course in a graded manned and the various things to be incorporated in a syllabi.  Finally, it throws light on the areas of improving in-class discussions with the help of the help of technology such as priming, integrating, reinforcing, generating and facilitating engaging online discussions and online assessment technology tools.

Secondly, I read an article related to 'engaging large classrooms' which helped me to know the various things  required to make the classroom effective through several techniques such as Interactive lectures, JiTT, Beating the numbers game, Tomorrow's Professor mailing list,  Making the first year classroom conducive to learning, Classroom communication systems, Teaching with technology, Brave new world, Mobile learning, Lecture capture, Collaborative and co-operative learning, innovation in Large lectures and tips for effective teamwork etc.  These topics really help me to learn the technique of teaching effectively in a large classroom. Further, it gave immense confidence to deal with any type of classroom with at most effectiveness.

Thirdly, I learnt the technique of making an effective and interactive presentation through several guidelines from Teaching effectiveness programme –how to make use of power point as an important resource for engaging the classroom.  Then, the article written by Drs.Terry & Cathy provided an insight into the method of making the presentation.  It helped me to know the use of different action buttons to make the presentation more effective.  The sample power point and word document endorsed the power of PPT as an important tool to engage in a large classroom.

The additional resources provided in this week which highlighted the importance of interactive lessons and 36 types of activities are really awesome.

With all the assistance of interactive power point presentation articles and guidelines, I created an interactive power-point presentation to check the ability of the students’ listening skills  and reading the transcript of the video and write the summary of the reading simultaneously. It was a wonderful experience and found myself.  I showcased my own concern for too much dependency on computers which made the teachers to think beyond the cleverness of the classroom in order to make it more interactive.

I am planning to make technology change as suggested during the week 4 and have informed the students about the rubrics based on technology need and the possible exchanges. As far as I am concerned, I am happy with the progress of Web skills.



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