Sunday, 28 October 2012

My Reflections on Week 4 - Web Skills

Hi Courtney and other colleagues,


I am really elated to reflect on the practices I had during the week 4 of Web Skills course.  In this week, I had understood the effective methods to develop reading, writing and vocabulary skills through several articles and websites.

Firstly, I read the article of Liang's extensive reading activities for EFL/ESL students using e-books which highlighted the three major activities such as Choosing the books, Reading and sharing the books and Evaluating the books. The prime focus of this activity is, it enhances the skills of the learners that how they can select the right book for reading using study guides and their preferences through ranking. After that, they have to share their preferred books with others, write summaries about those books and  share with their fellow colleagues.  In order to make it more effective, they can use the story mapping chart and describe the different attributes and personnel involved.  Finally they have to evaluate the books using higher order thinking skills like synthesizing and evaluating (using Bloom's taxonomy and Gardener's multiple intelligence theory' using the criteria  on its originality of insight, application of criteria, clarity of summary and strength of argument and the use of language.This typical activity which makes the learners understand the process of identifying appropriate books for enhancing their reading and writing skills outside the classroom.

Secondly, I read the article of Krajka's 'Using the Internet in ESL Writing Instruction'.  She has implemented web pages, e-mail connection and creating class websites as an important web tools for disseminating the knowledge of the teacher to the students.  Further, she highlighted the basic issues for implementing the online curriculum into the classroom, such as, 1.The benefits of on-line instruction 2. How this on-line component could be incorporated into the curriculum 3.The role of the teacher in a wired classroom 4.The resources needed for conducting on-line lessons 5.The syllabus of a course including the on-line elements.  This has brought me a great awareness when I am planning to use any of the web tools stated above in the classroom.  

Thirdly, I had explored several web sites such as ',,,,, and' which brought many insights on the different use of vocabulary development, reading and writing skills.  These websites which bring more than five thousand activities to the teachers to implement it using the grades of each classroom environment.  If we are able to frame each activity using ABCD model, we can bring in considerable output (not in a day's time) in the long run.

Fourthly, the technology enhanced lesson plan which had grilled me to undergo the real process of designing the effective lesson plan keeping the curriculum in mind and how practically the learners would benefit at the end of the session.  Though I had worked out similar session plans for Cambridge certification, this technology enhanced lesson plan had made me internalize and reflect it from the learners' point of view.  I always believe in the adage 'The teacher is the first learner' and this becomes true because this lesson plan diagnosed the higher -order thinking skills through appropriate evaluation techniques. The lesson plan has given me greater insight and at most satisfaction.

Finally, I discussed the step 4 for project work dealing with the the specific needs, issues or problems.  This could be developed into the typical project work at the later stage of the project.  I discussed the background of my learners considering their medium of instruction during their schooling, the level of input received by them in early days, the pattern of getting into the common system of engineering process, and the  different course works undertaken during their first year engineering degree programme. I emphasized the specific needs and issues such as identifying topic sentences, exposure to on-line reading activities and summarizing the reading text.  When I discussed this with my colleagues and students, they became excited and would like to see the outcome in a fruitful manner.

I found the comments from the instructor and the colleagues are like the seeds from the banyan trees and germinate through proper practices and will grow like a huge tree in the years to come...


Friday, 26 October 2012

Session details for the Introduction to Communication

Prof. Courtney and other colleagues,

As commented by Prof. Jayshree, I hereby enclose the entire session how I handled the topic ' Introduction to Communication'.  One more faculty was asked to observe the session and give the feedback professionally. The students were asked to give the feedback constructively and critically.  I found the feedback is the best way to reflect on the practises in the classroom.

I hope Prof. Jayshree and others may get clarified by this input.


Session Inputs

Communication: Introduction

We can start with the session with a role play and the learners are asked to observe the situation and identify the topic.

Suggested Activity:  Role Play

The learners are asked to discuss their favourite movie with their neighbours.  They have identified five movies (at least) and out of which
Let us call 2 volunteers to talk about their favourite movie:

Learner A: Hai, How are you?
Learner B: Yeah, I am fine.  What is your past time and have you gone to
                  the movie “Troy”?
Learner A: Yes. It was an excellent movie and all about great warrior –
                   Ulysses, The Trojan horse, etc.
Learner B: Trojan Horse. It is an amazing stuff.
Learner A: I could not get you. Can you repeat?
Learner B: Trojan Horse, a horse made up of wood, where the warriors hide
                   themselves and enter the fort and destroy Troy.
Learner A: Oh. I see.

Let the learners who are observing identify the topic by the depicted communication scenario.

With the help of the above activity, let us arrive at the definition of Communication

An exchange of ideas, thoughts, feelings or emotions by using a common system of symbols called Communication.

Different Universals of Communication

With the basic idea of the above scenario, we can introduce the different universals involved in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity

Suggested Activity:  Chart making

The learners are asked to prepare a chart which involves all the universals of communication.  Let us call 2 volunteers to prepare the chart:

Let the learners who are observing identify the different universals of communication in the chart

 Further, we can introduce the different universals involved in the
                     communication process with the help of the following figure:

With the help of the above chart, we can introduce the different universals involved in the communication process.

Different Universals of communication are Sender, Encode, Decode, Channel / Medium, Message / Communication Context, Noise and Feedback

Sender and Receiver

With the basic idea of the above scenario, we can introduce the universals such as sender and receiver involved in the                      communication process.  We can do this with the help of an                      activity

Suggested Activity:  Role Play

The learners are asked to prepare a message to his friend and transfer to him. Let us call 3 volunteers to play the role:

Let the learners who are observing identify the different universals of communication in the chart

With the basic idea of the above scenario, we can introduce the universals such as sender and receiver involved in the                      communication process. 

Sender is one who sends the information or from whom the idea is originated.
Receiver is one who receives the information

Communication Context

With the basic idea of the above scenario, we can introduce the universal message or Communication Context and different types of context involved in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity

Suggested Activity:  Quiz

The learners are asked to prepare themselves for a quiz based on this.  Let us learners identify the different contexts involved in the communication process:

  1. This room is very congested.
  2. Honey, get the blessings from the grandpa.
  3. I do not have a breathing space.
  4. He never listens to my words at all and I am so much disgusted.
  5. He never respects people.
  6. In European nations, you cannot pat on their back easily.

Let the learners who are observing identify the different contexts involved in the process of communication.

With the basic idea of the above quiz, we can introduce the different contexts involved in the communication process. 

There are four types of contexts involved in the communication process. They are physical, social, psychological and temporal.

Encoding and Decoding

With the basic idea of the above scenario, we can introduce the universals encoding and decoding involved in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity

Suggested Activity:  Short speech

The learners are asked to prepare a short speech based on this.  Let the learners identify how the encoding and decoding process occurs in the communication:  For example,

  1. Their first day experience at the college
  2. The people who influenced him a lot
  3. The personalities to be invited for an interview
  4. Their first expedition / adventure camp

Let the learners who identify how encoding and decoding takes place in the process of communication.

With the basic idea of the above short speech, we can introduce the different processes such as encoding and decoding involved in the communication process. 

Encoding involves the what, why and how of the words to be used in the context
Decoding involves the interpretation of the contexts and their meanings received by the receiver

Competence and Performance

With the basic idea of the above scenario, we can introduce the next universal named competence and performance in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity.

Suggested Activity:  Discussion

The learners are asked to discuss based on this.  Let the learners identify how competence and performance are interrelated in the communication process:  For example,

  1. How competence makes an impact on their performance
  2. How influential a competent person in an organisation

Let the learners discuss how competence and performance are interrelated in terms of communication.

Further, we can introduce competence and performance through a case study:

Suggested Activity:  Case Study and Discussion

The learners are asked to identify the importance of Competence and Performance based on this and identify how competence and performance are interrelated in the communication process:  For example,

Mr. Jones, the Head of Motilal Agro Products Ltd., has instructed Mr. Singh, the Production Manager about the new ISO Audit which is scheduled during the mid of September.  He wants to make sure that all the documents to be ready before the audit committee on time.  So he called him and stated that you can’t let your hair down on that day of inspection.  On the next day, he found Mr. Singh who is very dull and dejected so much.  He does not talk to anybody in the office.  At the afternoon, he writes his resignation letter and puts his paper on the Head’s table and leaves the room immediately.  Jones was really shocked and called the General Manager, Joshi.  He asked him to clarify his decision and asked Singh to reconsider his decision.  Joshi takes Singh to the recreation hall and asks about the things happened between him and the Head.  Singh simply stated that I can’t let my hair down because it is traditional and never interested to do that on that day.  Mr.  Joshi, who identified the real mistake and explained him about the requirements of the boss, this makes Singh a shameful event and finally apologized for his mistake. 

Let the learners discuss how competence and performance are interrelated in terms of communication.

With this basic idea, we can introduce competence and performance.

Competence indicated how good a person is able to understand the skill involved.
Performance involves how good or competently a person performs  it.


Based on the above scenario, we can introduce the next universal named noise or disturbance and its different types in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity.

Suggested Activity:  Role play

The learners are asked to play the roles based on this.  Let us call 5 volunteers to this activity and let the learners identify how different types of noise hamper the communication process: 

Situation I

Learner A: Hello, Is this Sankar?
Learner B: Yes.  May I know who is calling?
Learner A: This is Gowtham, Assistant Manager of Canara bank.  You
                    applied for a home loan and I need some clarification           
                    regarding your salary, profession, etc.
Child: Papa, today my friend Siddharth has beaten me in the school. He
            has thrown a stone and I complaint to the teacher.
Learner B: Yeah., tell me sir, I have been working in the institution for more
                   than 9 years and as a senior lecturer, department of english.
Child: Papppppa, my friend has beaten me papa. Mmm… my teacher
           also scolded me papa… (crying). Papa, tie this to my hand.. er..
Learner B: Shall I get back to you in two minutes?
Learner A: No. sorry.

Situation II (in the MD’s office)

Learner A: Good morning sir.   (with greater hesitation)I completed the work
                     assigned by you.  Could you please sanction me two days
Learner B: What? Two days leave.  I am sorry, we have the review meeting
                    next week and unless or until, the project comes at hand, I
                   can’t sanction leave to anybody.
Learner A: Sir… next week, my brother – in – law is coming home after two
                   years and I need to be there at the native.
Learner B: So, your work is not as important as your brother-in-law. Can you
                   go back to your seat and get ready for the presentation.
Learner A: Sir…

Situation III (over the telephone)

Learner A: Hello, I am at the railway station.  Can you give me your
Learner B: No. 13, Thandu Mariamman Koil Street, Uppilipalayam,
                   Coimbatore – 641 001.
Learner A: What? Can you repeat?
Learner B: It is No. 13, Thandu Mariamman Koil Street, T – H –A-N-D-U – M-A-R-I-A-M-M-A-N –K-O-I-L- S-T-R-E-E-T, Uppilipalayam, U-P-P-I-L-I-P-A-L-A-Y-A-M –
Learner A: Ssh!...

Let the learners identify how noise hampers the process of communication.

From the above role play, we can introduce noise in communication and the different types to the learners.

Noise in communication is any kind of disturbance that limits the communication between two or more.
There are three types of noise in communication process.  They are Physical, Psychological, and Physiological


Based on the above role play, we can introduce the next universal named feedback in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity.

Suggested Activity:  Quiz

The learners are asked to quiz based on this.  Let us ask all the learners to do this activity and let the learners identify different types of feedback one can receive during the communication process: 

Situation I

Learner A: Have you known the organisational commuication guru?
Learner B: Yes.  It is Peter Drekker.
Learner A: Can you say the universal involved in the following sentence: “ I studied the first standard, then I studied the second standard, then I studied the third standard …”
Learner B: Yes. It is communication context
Learner C: No. It is a message.

Let the learners identify how different types of feedback involved in the process of communication.

From the above quiz, we can introduce feedback in communication and the different types of responses to the learners.

Feedback is any kind of response that is given back to the sender in a  communication process.
There are two types of feedback in the communication process.  They are Positive and Negative.

Field of Experience

Based on the above scenario, we can introduce the next universal named field of experience in the communication process.  We can do this with the help of an activity.

Suggested Activity:  Presentation and Speech

The learners are asked to prepare a short presentation and speech based on this.  Let us ask all the learners to do this activity and let the learners identify the field of experience one can make  differenfce during the communication:  For example,


  1. Cell phone and its use.
  2. Global warming and its impacts

Speech (minimum one minute)
1.      Being obese is good or bad
2.      Women in politics
3.      Nothing succeeds like success

Let the learners identify how field of experience makes a great deal of difference in the process of communication.

From the above quiz, we can introduce field of experience in communication and how it makes greater impact in the process of communication.

Field of experience is an expertise in any field which helps to explain the content very clearly and effectively.  For example, a scientist’s lecture on missile technology and an amateur’s speech on language processing.

Barriers to Communication

Based on the above universals of communication, we can introduce the barriers to communication process.  We can do this with the help of a case study.

Suggested Activity:  Case Study

The learners are asked to go through the case study.  Let us ask all the learners to do this activity and let the learners identify the various types of barriers involved in a communication process:

Gordon Foundry Company
When I graduated from PSG College of Technology, I accepted a position with the Gordon Foundry, a medium – sized firm located in a small town in one of the eastern parts of the city.  It was a fine position for I was the assistant to Mr. Angelo Methews, who was the general manager and president of the family owned company.  I was anxious to learn the foundry business and since I was living it alone it was not long before I literally lived in the foundry.  We had many technical problems, the work was intensely intersting, and my boss was a fine man.

The foundry workers were a closely knit group, and in the main, they were older men.  Several had spent a lifetime in the foundry.  Many of them were related.  They felt that they knew the foundry business from A to Z and they were inclined to ‘pooh – pooh’ the value of a technical education.  The president had mentioned to me when we discussed the duties and responsibilities of the position that no graduate of a technical institute had ever been employed in the Gordon Foundry.  He added, “you will find that the men stick pretty well together.  Most of them have been working together for more than ten years, which is rather unusual in a foundry, so it may take you some time to get accepted.  But, on the whole, you will find them a fine group of men”.
At first the men eyed me coldly as I went around and got acquainted.  Also, I noticed that they would claim up as I approached.  A bit later, I became aware of cat – calls when I walked down the main aisle of the foundry.  I chose to ignore these evidences of hostility because I considered them silly and childish.  I believed that if I continued to ignore these antics the men would eventually stop, come to their senses and see the ridiculousness of their behaviour.
One Saturday, about a month after I had started, I was down in the enamel shop.  As I entered it, I observed a worker who was busy cleaning the floor with a hose from which flowed water at prettily good pressure.  It was customary to hose down the shop every so often.  I was busy near one of the dipping tanks when, all of a sudden, I was nearly knocked down by the force of a steam of water.  The worker had deliberately turned the hose on me.  I knew that he had intended to hit me the casual way in which he swung around – as though he had never seen what he had done.

Let the learners identify how different types of barriers involved in the process of communication.

From the above case study, we can introduce the different types of barriers in communication and how to overcome it in the process of communication.
Barriers to communication are anything which obstructs the flow of thought from end to another.  There are five important types of barriers involved in a communication context.  They are linguistic, social, psychological, socio- psychological and organisational barriers


Having understood all the universals of communication process and the barriers of communication, we can now conduct a discussion which involves all the universals in the communication process.  Let us devide the learners into several group and make sure that each group contains six members.  We can now facilitate and guide the discussion.

Suggested Activity:  Group Activity

The learners are asked to devide into several group and each group contains at least six members: 

  1. Engineers are wasting their time by doing an MBA.
  2. Developing countries should concentrate more on development than on defence.
  1. Indian education system and the lack of it.

In this session, we learnt to:

*      Define Communication
o   Exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions using common system of symbols
*      Differentiate effective communication from  an ordinary communication
o   Exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions using common system of symbols but instills a belief in others
*      Write the different universals of communication
o   Sender, Receiver, Encode, Decode, Context, Competence and performance, Field of Experience, Feedback
*      Identify the importance of communication context
o   Context is based on physical, social, psychological and temporal
*      Differentiate the communication context
o   Physical context
§  Setting up of the room
o   Social context
§  Importance of the social respect
o   Psychological context
§  Speaking to the higher authorities
o   Temporal context
§  Based on the space
*      Distinguish the encoding and decoding process
o   Encoding
§  What, where, and how to use of the words by the source
o   Decoding
§  Interpretation of the words and different meanings by the receiver
*      Explain the competence and performance
o   Competence – good at a particular subject / skill
o   Performance – How he explains the subject / skill
*      Write the importance of medium in communication
o   Using the appropriate medium / Channel – Oral, Written and or conversational
*      Differentiate the competence and performance in communication
o   A person who is competent makes an impact in the performance
For example, a scientist explains the space exploration programmes
*      Explain the different types of Noise in communication
o   Physical Noise – Interior decoration / environment
o   Psychological Noise – Talking to a stranger / higher authorities
o   Physiological Noise – Physically challenged / Poor listening skills
*      Compare the Positive and Negative Feedback
o   Positive feedback – Recognition and acceptability
o   Negative feedback – Non acceptability
*      Write the importance of Field of experience
o   A person who is good at explaining / subject experts
*      Write the different types of barriers
o   Linguistic, Social, Psychological, Organisational


1.      Develop an organisational communication model
2.      Write the various universals of communication process
3.      Justify the different types of barriers and the various ways to overcome it.


*      Rizvi, Ashraf M. “Effective Technical Communication”. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007.
*      Shalini Sharma. “Concepts of Professional Communication”. New Delhi: Acme Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009.